Poems of Robert Burns For Sale
Poems of Robert Burns
Burns, Robert
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Number Item Description Price (inc UK postage)
138272 Armstrong, Karen - A History of God - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 52.60
139232 Ascherson, Neal - Black Sea - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 19.10
135561 Austen, Jane - The History of England: A Facsimile of Her Manuscript Written Aged Sixteen & Illustrated By Her Sister Cassandra with an Introduction By Deirdre Le Faye & a Transcript of the Text - Folio Society - 1993 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 33.70
140794 Barzun, Jacques - From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 114.00
134584 Bell, Walter George - The Great Plague in London - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 25.85
140743 Bewick, Thomas - A History of British Birds 2 Volume Set - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 119.00
140321 Bloch, Marc - Feudal Society - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 44.80
140094 Blythe, Ronald - The Age of Illusion - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 28.25
137663 Brands, H W - The Age of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the New American Dream - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 34.70
140187 Brown, Dee - Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 30.80
136312 Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent: travels in small-town America - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 14.45
137623 Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent: travels in small-town America - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 14.45
139452 Burke, Edmund - Reflections on the Revolution in France - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 31.35
138524 Burkholder, J Peter ; Donald J Grout and Claude V Palisca - History of Western Music - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 25.85
140540 Carlyle, Thomas - The French Revolution: 3 Volume Set - Folio Society - 1989 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 52.00
139663 Catlin, George - Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 31.15
139281 Chadwick, Nora - The Celts - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 28.50
140780 Churchill, Winston S - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume 1: The Birth of Britain; Volume 2: The New World; Volume 3: The Age of Revolution; Volume 4: The Great Democracies - Folio Society - 2003 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 99.00
137060 Cobbett, William - Rural Rides - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 20.00
139671 Defoe, Daniel - A Journal of the Plague Year - Folio Society - 1992 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 21.75
138439 Douglas, David C - William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact Upon England - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 21.55
134988 Fage, J D (with William Tordoff) - A History of Africa - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 84.70
139183 Figes, Orlando - A People's Tragedy - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 134.00
140158 Fox, Robert - Eyewitness To History - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 44.75
140191 Frank, Otto H & Pressler, Mirjam - Anne Frank , The Diary of a Young Girl The Definitive Edition - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 36.15
140548 Gascoigne, Bamber - The Dynasties of China - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 49.00
140166 Gernet, Jacques - Chinese Civilisation (Two Volumes) - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 34.00
140536 Gould, Stephen Jay - Reflections in Natural History - Folio Society - 2024 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 54.20
139761 Grant, Michael - Nero - Folio Society - 1998 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 17.50
135641 Graves, Robert and Hodge, Alan - The Long Weekend A Social History Of Great Britain 1918 - 1939 - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 16.90
140553 Gribbin, John - History of Western Science - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 22.30
140300 Hart, George - The Pharaohs - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 74.00
140607 Holinshed, Raphael - Holinshed's Chronicles - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 34.20
140762 Hudson, Roger (ed) - The Raj - An eye-witness History - Folio Society - 1999 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 29.60
134610 Hudson, Roger (ed) - William Russell, Special Correspondent of the Times - Folio Society - 1997 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 13.45
139436 Jefferson, Thomas - An Expression of the American Mind - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 48.40
140682 Johnson, Captain Charles - A General History of the Robberies & Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates - Folio Society - 2018 - Very Good Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 39.00
136866 Kamen, Henry - The Spanish Inquisition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 16.15
140699 Kapuscinski, Ryszard - Travels with Herodotus - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 30.20
137802 Keay, John - Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 41.15
138501 Keen, Maurice - Chivalry - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Good slipcase. 25.90
139383 Lawrence, T E - Crusader Castles - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 38.65
139207 Le Goff, Jacques - Medieval Civilisation - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 32.75
140599 Maalouf, Amin - The Crusades Through Arab Eyes - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 34.20
139245 Macartney, Lord; Cranmer-Byng, J L (ed) - An Embassy to China Being the Journal Kept by Lord Macartney during his Embassy to the Emperor Ch'ien-lung 1793-1794 - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 21.75
139652 MacCulloch, Diarmaid - Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700 - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 83.20
135801 Massie, Robert K - Nicholas and Alexandra - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 15.65
139825 Mommsen, Theodor - A History of Rome from the Foundation of the City to the Sole Rule of Julius Caesar - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Fine slipcase. 53.45
140771 Mortimer, Ian - The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 41.75
140066 Moss, H St L B (introduction by D J A Mathew); Barrachough, Geoffrey; Southern, R W; Mundy, John; Huizinga, J (translator - F Hopman) - The Story Of The Middle Ages 5 vols The Birth of the Middle Ages, by H.M.; The Crucible of the Middle Ages, by G.B.; The Making of the Middle Ages, by R.S.; The High Middle Ages, by J.M.; The Waning of the Middle Ages, by J.H. - Folio Society - 1998 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 44.70
139270 Norwich, John Julius - The Middle Sea - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 59.00
138597 Oxford - Oxford dictionary of quotations - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 49.40
138772 Pakenham, Thomas - The Scramble for Africa - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 122.35
135008 Picard, Liza - Restoration London, Everyday Life in London 1660-1670 - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 17.45
135733 Picard, Liza - Restoration London, Everyday Life in London 1660-1670 - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 13.55
136752 Pirenne, Henri - Mohammed and Charlemagne - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 28.05
138798 Psychoundakis, George - The Cretan Runner - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 17.50
137396 Reed, John - Ten Days That Shook the World - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 17.10
140618 Renfrew, Colin - Prehistory The Making of the Human Mind - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 24.20
140217 Roberts, Andrew - A History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900 - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 26.50
140797 Roberts, Andrew - A History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900 - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 26.50
140752 Roberts, Andrew - Napoleon & Wellington - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 34.20
140672 Roberts, David - The Holy Land & Egypt and Nubia - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 359.00
139752 Rossetti, William Michael - The Pre-Raphaelites and Their World: A Personal View From Some Reminiscences and Other Writings of William Michael Rossetti - Folio Society - 1995 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 17.50
139318 Runciman, Steven, Henderson, George - The Age of illumination: Byzantine Art and Civilisation, Early Medieval Art and Civilisation, Gothic Art and Civilisation, [3 Volume Boxed-Set] - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 35.40
139433 Ruskin, John; Morris, Jan (ed) - The Stones of Venice - Folio Society - 2001 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 25.15
134637 Salgado, Gamini - The Elizabethan Underworld - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 22.75
140563 Stanley, Henry Morton; McLynn, Frank (ed) - Into the Dark Continent The Travels of Henry Morton Stanley - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 36.60
139278 Stevenson, Robert Louis - Catriona - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 30.35
139276 Stevenson, Robert Louis - Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 40.20
140812 Sun Tzu - The Art of War - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 42.00
140178 Taylor, A J P - A Century of Conflict, 1848-1948, Five Volumes - Folio Society - 1998 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 44.75
140032 Taylour William and John Chadwick - The Mycenaeans and the Decipherment of Linear B - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 84.20
140251 Thomas, Hugh - The Spanish Civil War - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 94.00
140760 Thubron, Colin - Behind the Wall - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 29.20
140088 Thucydides - The Peloponnesian War Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2023 - Fine Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 359.00
140089 Tuchman, Barbara W - The Coming of the Great War: The Proud Tower; The Guns of August - Folio Society - 1995 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 33.90
139242 Tuchman, Barbara W - The March of Folly: from Troy to Vietnam - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 22.60
139126 Tuchman, Barbara W - The Mirror of the Past A Distant Mirror / The March of Folly - Folio Society - 1997 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 30.95
139941 Various - Folio Society Job Lot of 11 non-fiction History Books - Folio Society - - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcases 39.00
138920 Vickery, Amanda - The Gentleman's Daughter Womens' Lives in Georgian England - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 16.35
139771 Weir, Alison - The Princes in the Tower - Folio Society - 1999 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 17.30
140163 White, Gilbert - The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne Large Format Edition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 34.00
139785 Whitfield, Peter - Mapping the World - Folio Society - 2000 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 17.90
140661 Wilford, John Noble - The Mapmakers - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 49.20
140662 William of Malmesbury - The Deeds of the English Kings - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 49.60
139735 Xenophon - The Persian Expedition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 40.35

   87 matches found.

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