Folio Society Published Works Number 3515
Scott, Walter - Rob Roy Limited Edition
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Scott, Walter - Rob Roy Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2021. Illustrated by June Carey. Foreword by Diana Gabaldon. Limited to 750 hand-numbered copies of which this is number 473. A new leather-bound limited edition published to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the author’s birth. Each copy is numbered by hand and signed by both introducer and illustrator. Fully bound in?goatskin leather blocked in blue and gold foils. Limitation?tip?printed letterpress?on?Fedrigoni?Marina paper. 520 text pages set in Fournier with Arno Pro Display drop capitals printed on Munken Pure?paper. Frontispiece and 9 full-colour illustrations, including one double-page spread. Illustrations printed on Natural Evolution Ivory paper. Gilded page tops. Petrol Surbalin?endpapers and?blue ribbon?marker.
Book size?11" x 7¼"?. Hand-made slipcase covered in blue cloth inset with an illustration label in a border? blocked in gold foil. )