Folio Society Published Works Number 3476
Illustrated by David Jones - The Book of Jonah Limited Edition
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Illustrated by David Jones - The Book of Jonah Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2022. A classic from the Fine Press tradition. Limited to 750 hand-numbered copies. Published in series with Genesis and The Song of Songs. 20 pages, set in Caslon type, with 14 wood-engravings by David Jones. Bound in oatmeal coloured cloth blocked in gold on the spine. Taupe paper dust wrapper, printed in black ink, and featuring an illustration by the artist in facsimile of the original. Reproduced from the first edition, this book has been printed on Corolla Book Laid Ivory paper. Accompanying the facsimile is an essay by Sebastian Carter, formerly of the Rampant Lions Press, now editor of Parenthesis, the Journal of the Fine Press Book Association. This specially commissioned piece gives essential background to the original publication and is printed in Caslon on Corolla Book Laid Ivory paper. The solander presentation box is covered in smooth turquoise Surbalin paper and lined with Geltex Marbrava paper in green. The front and spine are blocked in gold foil and the front board is inset with a title label printed in black with an illustration by David Jones on Corolla Book Laid Ivory paper. )