Folio Society Published Works Number 3466
Illustrated by Alan Lee - The Wanderer & Other Old-English Poems
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Illustrated by Alan Lee - The Wanderer & Other Old-English Poems (Published in by The Folio Society in 2021. Illustrated by Alan Lee. Introduced by Michael Alexander. Foreword by Bernard O'Donoghue. Translated by Michael Alexander. Limited to 750 copies numbered and signed by Alan Lee. Lavishly ornamented and illustrated by Alan Lee. The Old English texts and their translations by Michael Alexander are set on facing pages for ease of reading. Translated and introduced by Michael Alexander. Newly commissioned foreword by Bernard O’Donoghue. Set in 15-point Arcadian Bembo and printed on cream wove paper. Eight colour plates by Alan Lee, printed on Art paper and tipped into decorative borders. Numerous other drawings and borders integrated with the text and printed in dove grey. Limitation certificate printed letterpress by The Logan Press on Tintoretto paper, signed and numbered by the artist. Quarter-bound in goatskin with blind and silver blocking on the spine. Boards printed and blocked with designs by the artist. Endpapers printed with a design by the artist. Top edge gilded in gunmetal foil, ribbon marker. 244 pages. Book size: 13¼? x 9½?. Presented in a clothbound slipcase blocked in silver on the front board. )