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Folio Society Published Works Number 3330

Hugo, Victor - The Toilers of the Sea Limited Edition

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Hugo, Victor - The Toilers of the Sea Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2014. Foreword by Andrew Graham-Dixon; Introduction by acclaimed Hugo Biographer Graham Robb. Limited to 1,250 numbered copies. The first edition published with all of Victor Hugo’s original wash ink illustrations. Quarter-bound in Indian goatskin leather. Printed cloth boards displaying Hugo’s Octopus which Gilliatt faces. Printed on Veltique Ivory paper; Endpapers of Canson Mi Teintes. 528 pages with 36 colour illustrations (Victor Hugo’s original wash ink illustrations placed where the master himself intended them to be). Gilded top edge; 446 pages. Book size: 7 1/2" x 9 1/2". Presented in a cloth-bound solander box with gilt lettered spine and an artwork paste-down on front. Number 1199 of a Limited Edition of 1250 copies. )

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