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Folio Society Published Works Number 3283

Thomas, Edward - Edward Thomas: Selected Poems Limited Edition

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Thomas, Edward - Edward Thomas: Selected Poems Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2017. A new limited edition to commemorate the poet's death in April 1917. Published in series with Rupert Brooke: Selected Poems and designed to emulate the fine press editions of the early 20th century. Introduced by Andrew Motion. With original lithographs by David Gentleman. Limited to 1,250 numbered copies each signed by David Gentleman, of which this is number ****1104. Long regarded as a 'poet's poet', Edward Thomas is now acknowledged as one of the greatest writers of the English countryside, his verse grounded in a pastoral patriotism that makes him unique among the poets of the First World War. Born in Lambeth, London, in 1878, Thomas studied at Lincoln College, Oxford, before moving in 1901 to Kent and later Hampshire with his wife, Helen. An admirer of Richard Jefferies, he began writing topographical prose whilst still at school, but financial pressures would later force him to lay aside his literary ambitions to pursue the 'painful business' of reviewing and writing books on commission. A gifted critic, particularly of poetry, Thomas was quick to praise the brilliance of W. H. Davies, Ezra Pound and Robert Frost. It was Frost, whom Thomas met in 1913, who first recognised the latent poetry in Thomas's nature writing, and urged him to try his hand at verse. The result was spectacular. Frost had opened a floodgate of creativity, and in less than three years Thomas wrote no fewer than 144 poems of extraordinary maturity of style and lyrical intensity. He joined the Artists Rifles in July 1915, his anti-nationalism finally overcome by a need to protect the land he loved and by reading ‘The Road Not Taken’, a poem Frost wrote about him. Thomas was killed on the first day of the Battle of Arras, Easter Monday 1917, while the first edition of his Poems was being prepared for press. Limited to 1250 numbered copies each signed by David Gentleman. 9 original lithographs and 9 letterpress vignettes by David Gentleman, printed by Curwen Studio. Introduced by Andrew Motion. Printed on Zerkall mould-made smooth paper with Freelife Merida endpapers. Bound by LEGO in Indian goatskin with paste-paper sides by Victoria Hall. Typeset in Monotype Bembo by Stan Lane at Gloucester Typesetting Services and printed letterpress at The Stonehouse Fine Press. 118 pages. Slipcase covered in Freelife Merida, blocked in gold with a design by the artist. 9¾? x 7?. )

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