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Folio Society Published Works Number 2835

Lang, Andrew (ed) - The Orange Fairy Book

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Lang, Andrew (ed) - The Orange Fairy Book (Published in by The Folio Society in 2013. Bound in buckram. Blocked with a design by Tomislav Tomic. Frontispiece and 12 colour illustrations and a number of black & white illustrations. Set in Founder’s Caslon. 320 pages. Book size: 10" x 7 ˝". With stories from as far afield as Iceland and Australia, including Hans Christian Andersen's classic 'The Ugly Duckling', this edition features original illustrations by Tomislav Tomic. 'The stories are taken from those told by grannies to grandchildren in many countries and in many languages – French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Gaelic, Icelandic, Cherokee, African, Indian, Australian, Slavonic, Eskimo.' In his preface to the final title in our Rainbow Fairy Book series, Andrew Lang describes the diverse origins of these tales. They vary from 'The Ugly Duckling' by Hans Christian Andersen to 'The White Slipper' – a reversal of the Cinderella story, in which the king loses his precious white slipper and offers his daughter's hand to whoever finds it. Stories included are The Story of the Hero Makóma, The Magic Mirror, Story of the King who would see Paradise, How Isuro the Rabbit tricked Gudu, Ian, the Soldier’s Son, The Fox and the Wolf, How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon, The Ugly Duckling, The Two Caskets, The Goldsmith’s Fortune, The Enchanted Wreath, The Foolish Weaver , The Clever Cat, The Story of Manus , Pinkel the Thief, The Adventures of a Jackal, The Adventures of the Jackal's Eldest Son, The Adventures of the Younger Son of the Jackal , The Three Treasures of the Giants , The Rover of the Plain, The White Doe, The Girl-Fish, The Owl and the Eagle , The Frog and the Lion Fairy , The Adventures of Covan the Brown-haired , The Princess Bella-Flor , The Bird of Truth , The Mink and the Wolf , Adventures of an Indian Brave , How the Stalos were tricked , Andras Baive, The White Slipper , The Magic Book. )

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