Folio Society Published Works Number 2615
Macaulay, Thomas Babington - The History of England Limited Edition
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Macaulay, Thomas Babington - The History of England Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2009. Bound in full goatskin leather, blocked in gold with traditional raised bands and top edge gilding Strictly limited to 500 copies of which this is number 23. Newly commissioned introduction from Richard J. Evans, Regius Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge. 5 volumes. Set in Baskerville. 2,696 pages with 72 pages of colour and black & white illustrations. Book size: 10" x 6¼". In an age distinguished for its great histories, this majestic 5-volume History of England stands proud as the finest work of 19th-century scholarship, as compelling and absorbing today as when it was first published. To do justice to the book's exceptional stature, we have produced a superb edition, which will grace any book collection. Bound using the finest goatskin leather, tooled with gold on traditional raised bands and with top-edge gilding, this special edition is strictly limited to just 500 numbered copies. In the first half of the 19th century, Europe was convulsed by revolution: in France, Spain, Germany, Hungary and Italy, kings were deposed, governments rose and fell, blood was spilt. Britain, it seemed, was uniquely fortunate in having avoided such tumult. It took the brilliant politician and man of letters Thomas Babington Macaulay to ask: How was it that Britain remained peaceful, while, as he put it, 'the proudest capitals of Western Europe have streamed with civil blood'? For Macaulay, the answer was to be found more than 150 years before, in the short period of British history following the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688, when the British Parliament ousted one king and chose another, without the country descending into civil war. Macaulay made his case in one of the most successful and brilliant histories ever written. Macaulay was one of the first writers to draw on contemporary news-sheets, tracts and ballads as source material for his history. He greatly admired the novels of Sir Walter Scott, and believed that historians should learn from the dramatic techniques of novelists. This outlook gave him the ability to enter into the spirit of the times and convey what it was actually like to live through them – a revolutionary approach which would captivate readers, while his shrewd grasp of politics gave added power to his account. For its scope, its drama and its conviction, Macaulay's history remains as exhilarating to read as it was when it was first published. )